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Photovoltaics in Slovakia

hotovoltaic solar electricity potential in Slovakia

Slovakia: Overview of legal framework

Overview of promotion system

In the Slovak Republic, renewable-energy-sourced electricity is promoted through a price regulation in terms of an obligation to purchase electricity at special prices (currently 259,17 €/MWh on the rooftops guaranteed for 15 years) and use it to compensate for power losses in the distribution grid. Further promotion instruments are exemption from consumption tax and several subsidies.

Overview of access to the grid

In the Republic of Slovakia, access and connection of electricity generated from renewable energy sources to the grid as well as the expansion of the grid are subject to the general provisions of energy law. Connection to the grid shall be granted without discriminating against certain plant operators. In contrast to this, in transmission and distribution of electricity, RES electricity shall be given priority.

Promotion in Slovakia
Updated: 12.09.2011

Overview of promotion system

Statutory provisions
Act No. 309/2009 Coll. (Zákon 309/2009 Z.z. o podpore obnovitelných zdrojov energie – Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources)
Act No. 609/2007 Coll. (Zákon 609/2007 o spotrebnej dani z elektriny, uhlia a zemného plynu (Act Nr. 609/2007 Coll. – Act on the Consumption Tax)
Decree No. 7/2009 (Výnos Úradu pre reguláciu sietových odvetví z 09. September 2009 c. 7/2009, ktorým sa ustanovuje regulácia cien v elektroenergetike – Decree of the regulatory authority on the electricity prices)
Implementation Document for the OPBK (Programový manuál pre Operacný program Bratislavský kraj – Implementation Document for the Operational Programme Bratislava Region)
Implementation Document for the OP KaHR (Programový manuál k Operacnému programu Konkurencieschopnost a hospodársky rast – Implementation Document for the Operational Programme Competitiveness)
Scheme DM – 7/2008 (Schéma na podporu trvalo udržatelného rozvoja (schéma pomoci de minimis) – Scheme for the promotion of sustainable growth)
Scheme DM – 13/2008 (Schéma podpory mikro, malých a stredných podnikatelov Operacného programu Bratislavský kraj (schéma pomoci de minimis) – Scheme under the Operational Programme Bratislava Region)
Scheme No. XR 63/2008 (Schéma štátnej pomoci pre zvyšovanie energetickej efektívnosti na strane výroby aj spotreby a zavádzaní progresívnych technológií v energetike priamou formou pomoci – State aid scheme)
Scheme ŠP – 01/2009 (Schéma podpory inovácií prostredníctvom priemyselného výskumu, experimentálneho vývoja a transferu technológií pre mikro, malé a stredné podniky (schéma štátnej pomoci) – Scheme for the promotion of innovation)

Promotion system

Price regulation.
Grid operators are statutorily obliged to purchase and pay for electricity from renewable sources (§ 4 Par. 1 Act No. 309/2009 Coll.).
System operators may receive subsidies for the promotion of renewable electricity from the European Structural Fund. The detailed application requirements are specified by the respective call for applications.
Fiscal regulation mechanisms.
Electricity generated from renewable sources is exempt from consumption tax.
In general, all renewable electricity generation technologies are eligible for promotion.
Area of application
All instruments of promotion of renewable energy apply to the Slovak Republic only.
The costs of the price regulation system are borne by the end users. The cost of promotion through subsidies is borne by both the European Union's funds and national public funds. The cost of promotion through consumption tax exemption is borne by the state.

Grid access in Slovakia
Updated: 12.09.2011

Overview of access to the grid

Statutory provisions
Act No. 309/2009 Coll. (Zákon 309/2009 Z.z. o podpore obnovitelných zdrojov energie – Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources)
Energy Act No. 656/2004 Coll. (Zákon 656/2004 o energetike – general law on energy)
Government Decree No. 317/2007 Coll. (Nariadenie vlády 317/2007 ktorým sa ustanovujú pravidlá pre fungovanie trhu s elektrinou – Government Decree on the Regulation of the Electricity Market)
Connection to the grid
System operators are contractually entitled against the grid operator to the connection of renewable energy systems to the grid. The grid operator is obliged to enter into these contracts (§ 22 Par. 2 Letter o Energy Act No. 656/2004 Coll. in connection with § 3 Par. 1 Government Decree No. 317/2007 Coll. and § 24 Par. 2 Letter h Energy Act No. 656/2004 Coll. in connection with § 3 Par. 1 Government Decree No. 317/2007 Coll.). Renewable energy systems must be given priority connection (§ 5 Par. 2 Act No. 309/2009 Coll.).
Usage of the grid
Access to the grid is granted on the basis of either a transmission and access agreement or a distribution and access agreement (§ 4 Par. 1 Government Decree No. 317/2007 Coll.). Thus, the grid users (e.g. system operators) are contractually entitled to the transmission and distribution of electricity by the grid operator (§ 5 Par. 1 in connection with § 7 Par. 1 Government Decree No. 317/2007 Coll.). The competent transmission or distribution grid operator is obliged to enter into these agreements. Electricity from renewable sources must be given priority transmission and distribution (§ 4 Par. 1 Letter a) Act No. 309/2009 Coll.).
Grid expansion
The distribution grid operator is obliged to expand the grid upon the request of an electricity producer (§ 5 Par. 3 Act No. 309/2009 Coll.).

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